Oh gosh, I planned at the start of the year to limit myself to 2 cosplays.
and even no conventions.
at that time (wut it actually wasnt even that long ago) i was so not interested in cosplay AT ALL
for some strange reasons
well actually for a while i had not been into fashion, shopping, my beautiful sweetie clothes, or anything that involved consumerism. except for maybe music.
even topshop window wasn't exciting to me for a while (they usually have a few outfits on show that match everything i want)
Thats all i was into really, music, and movies every now and then.
Over the holidays (3 months) I went home, and it was perfect for me
cos all i would wear were basics, and handmedowns, and vintage clothes.
and it was perfect cos my mind felt at peace
going to malls rarely, when last time i was home i went to the malls about every second day.
when i thought about that it kinda made me feel sick.
I even thought about working hard as ants and investing and all that mature stuff.
I could just throw anything on and feel no worry! none at all!!!
and blah blah blah blah blah
i suddenly decide to go on some old favourite sites,
and meetup with old friends of old who reminded me of my old life
i get dizzy and shit.
and whats this!
Im broke but suddenly extending my cosplay list! wtf!
(this is all too much for me cos cosplaying usually involves using up so much cash, and half the time, spending on other things like a convention and hotels, etc)
(it's becos i can start things but never really finish them. I only ever have 1 out of 5 plans finished)
But anyways!
Im buying a costume for the first time! inu x boku ss uniform!
///and i just looked away from this for a while and ive been listening to console wars? for a long time without knowing. who tf are they wow my mind is so unaware sometimes///
but yeah, im buying cos it will save me time, and money surprisingly.
me and my friend also want to try it! i've never even looked at cosplay shops costumes till now.
I have wanted to just buy a costume for ages, but me loving my sewing machine and fabric stores...
it was kind of hard not to just make them.
also my first karuta cos was shit doge as turd. we rushed it. it was all on a whim, fun, but no planning whatsoever haha~!
yeah it was pretty nasty, less than half of cute than it couldve been so no close ups -.-
hopefullly this time tho we look wonderful as unicorns and cuter than marshmallows. ^^. ♥
and hopefully i can remember to blog more!